Representatives of the SCST took part in events marking the 80th anniversary of the Khatyn tragedy

23 march 2023


Representatives of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus and organizations subordinate to the SCST laid flowers at the Khatyn Memorial Complex. On 22 March, events marking the 80th anniversary of the Khatyn tragedy were held there, including the opening of a new interactive museum.

The ceremony was attended by Uladzimir Rabavolau, Director General of the National Center of Intellectual Property.

The Khatyn Memorial Complex was opened in 1969 to commemorate the victims of fascism. The complex is home to the only 'Graveyard of Villages' in the world - 185 graves, each symbolising one of the unredeemed Belarusian villages that were burnt together with their populations.

Another element of the complex is the "symbolic trees of life", whose branches list the names of 433 Belarusian villages that were destroyed by the occupiers along with their inhabitants, but were restored after the war.

The Khatyn memorial complex is included in the state list of historical and cultural heritage. Since its opening it has been visited by over 40 million people from 100 countries.

Source - SCST

Representatives of the SCST took part in events marking the 80th anniversary of the Khatyn tragedy (

BELTA's special project on the 80th anniversary of the Khatyn tragedy

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